Donate and help with the medical cost, foster cost, and transportation
Last year in the United States, approximately 6.5 million pets found themselves in animal shelters. Among them, approximately 1.5 million were euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats). In recent years, these numbers have been trending downward, largely due to the tireless efforts of small, independent rescues, like ours. This is a small consolation when we know that we could be doing so much more, without the constant struggle for funding.
Each dog that comes through our rescue is properly vetted before we send them home with adopters. Common expenses include vaccinations, spay/neuter operations, heart worm treatments, and parasite prevention. We strive to keep our adoption fees low, to give our dogs a better chance of finding homes. The fees alone don't come close to covering even these basic services.
Occasionally, we'll discover that one of our dogs has a serious and expensive medical issue. When this happens, we have no choice but to slow our intake until money can be raised. We can't begin to explain the heartache of turning away a dog in need because we lack the funds to care for it.
Your support is vital to our mission. Every dollar we raise adds up to lives saved. There is no amount too small and every donation is appreciated. Please help us, help them.